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ISBMUN Conference Engages Student Leaders in Global Issue Discussions

 The Indian School Bahrain Model United Nations (ISBMUN2024) got off to a flying start  at the school’s Isa Town campus on Friday, fostering leadership qualities and public speaking skills. The two-day conference was inaugurated by the Honorable Chairman, Adv. Binu Mannil Varughese by lighting the lamp  in the presence of Honorary Secretary V. Rajapandian, Honorary Assistant Secretary Ranjini Mohan, EC Member-Transport Mohammed Nayaz Ullah, Principal VR Palaniswamy, Junior Wing Principal Pamela Xavier, Academic Administration Vice-Principal G. Satheesh, Middle Section Vice-Principal Jose Thomas, Junior Wing Vice-Principal Priya Laji, and MUN Director Chhaya Joshi.
Apart from the host school, The Indian School, students from New Millennium School, Sacred Heart School, New Indian School, Bahrain Indian School, Asian School, Al Noor International School, Al Hekma International School, and Ibn Al Hytham Islamic School attended the conference. Around 350 delegates are attending the two-day conference. The conference was completely student-run, with delegates from various nations debating pertinent world issues. The programme commenced with the national anthems of Bahrain and India. Masters of Ceremony Lakshmi Sudheer and Bhadra Sreekumar welcomed the gathering. Secretary General Jumainah Junaid addressed the gathering and declared the ISBMUN 24 conference open.
In his felicitation address, Adv. Binu Mannil Varughese expressed that the conference would help enrich the participants' debating skills, critical thinking, and leadership abilities. Students then proceeded to their councils to discuss the issues of their respective councils. Delegates were divided into various councils, each led by chairs who directed the proceedings in true UN diplomatic style. At the closing ceremony on Saturday, various awards will be distributed to delegates who excelled in each council.
"We live in a world currently facing numerous issues, and this conference provides an opportunity to freely think and talk with a different perspective, which is a privilege not everyone enjoys," said Secretary General Jumainah Junaid.
The ISBMUN 2024 admin  team consists of Jumainah Junaid (Secretary General),  Saanvi Shetty (Student Director of OC),   Fathima Nalim (Student Director of R&T), Aradhya Pradeep (Head of Finance and Sponsorships) , Daksh Joshi (Head of Logistics), Saud Arshiyan (Head of Hospitality), Gopu Ajith (Head of Media),  Alen Abhisekh (Head of Design) ,Bhadra Sreekumar (Head of Public Relations), Ashtamy Sankar (Head of Security), Niharika Sarkar (Undersecretary of Hospitality and Logistics),  Darshana Subrramian (Undersecretary of Public Relations),  Mishka Pritam (Undersecretary of Security),Lakshmi Sudheer (Head of Training) , Tanmay Rajesh(Head of Research),Florenza Periera (Undersecretary of Procedures) , Adwait Hareesh (Undersecretary of Research) and  Rebecca Ann Binu (Undersecretary of Training).

12 MAY 2024, ISB


The Indian School is a CBSE affiliated school located in Bahrain. It was founded in the year 1950. The Indian School, Bahrain has around 12,000 students and is one of the largest co-ed schools in the Gulf.