Our mission is to provide a teaching and learning environment which is enriched with purposeful and deliberate experiences to extract the best from our students. Our educational conveniences are intended to fulfill the educational aspirations of the students of Indian origin in accordance with the syllabi of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Students of other nationalities may also be admitted at the discretion of the school.
Our program intends to achieve excellence in the scholastic and non-scholastic activities so as to mould a student into a wholesome personality in the desired direction – inculcating the values, Morales along with compassion and self-efficacy enabling each student to transform into a better social being. We also aim at instilling a sense of appreciation for the Indian culture and traditions and infusing in them a sense of tolerance for other cultures and beliefs without losing sight of their identity and their roots. Our indulgences are also devised in a way so as to convert each individual learner into an individual with sound academic base, analytical skills, civic responsibilities and cultural values. We are full-fledged in creating an environment where every individual in the campus has the freedom to think, express and redefine boundaries set for them for the better cause of humanity and be a world class citizen.
To be the school flying with wings towards excellence providing a high quality international experience for students of all ages and culture.
Social and Cultural integration:
We are proud being holding a learning community of high tolerance and empathetic values. We are indebted to the benevolence of the host country and are aware of its cultural values. Our services are capable enough for equipping our students to appreciate and visualize them as the part of a global community.